La Unam y la Escuela Central de Artes Plásticas durante la dirección de Diego Rivera
Portada Anales Número 67
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Arte contemporáneo

How to Cite

González Mello, Renato. 1995. “La Unam Y La Escuela Central De Artes Plásticas Durante La dirección De Diego Rivera”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 17 (67):pp. 21-68.


Between August 1929 and May 1930 Diego Rivera was in charge of the instítution that succeeded the Academia de San Carlos. His presumedproletarian and vanguard modernization, as well as the supposed conservatism of his opponents are analyzed on the bases of documentation that has never before been used. These documents allow us to perceive the latentparadoxes in both educational projects. In the same manner, this text reveals the connection between the ideologi of the Maximato and the aesthetic thought of Rivera, who owes more to the former than has previous1y been admitted.
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