Ethical norms

Ethical norms of publication


The journal Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas shall ascertain that all parties (editors, referees and authors) comply with the ethical norms in the process of publication. Anales adheres to ethical norms based on international standards, which are:


The editors undertake:

  1. To guarantee the anonymity of authors and referees during the editorial process.
  2. To ensure that all texts are reviewed by specialists in the field and guarantee that the editorial process is carried out in a transparent manner.
  3. To respect academic freedom and objectivity and to carry out their work with efficiency and to high standards of quality.
  4. In case of doubt, to consult the editorial committee of the journal.


Reviewers shall:

  1. Guarantee that submitted texts are original and alert to any possibility of plagiarism.
  2. Ensure that opinions on the collaborations are maintained in strict anonymity. Reviewers shall review the texts sent to them with care and within the periods of time established and decline whenever they consider a text to lie outside the field of their competence.
  3. Undertake not to divulge or make personal use of the contents of any article that has not yet been published. Violation of this ethical requirement shall be subject to sanction.
  4. Be fair and impartial, judging the works in accordance with exclusively academic criteria.



Undertake to sign the ethical declaration form which will be sent to them at the moment of receiving the article and to comply with the ethical guidelines which are listed as follows:

  1. Shall guarantee that research articles are original and unpublished; i.e., have not appeared in any other printed or digital medium, nor have been offered simultaneously for consideration by another editorial body. No article that has been published beforehand may be submitted, even in the case of having appeared in a medium of very limited circulation. Exceptionally, notwithstanding, should strong grounds exist for dual publication, prior approval may be sought for the purpose with the support of solid arguments justifying the proposal.
  2. In the case of an author proposing a translation into Spanish of a previously published text, he/she must offer convincing grounds for the relevance of the proposal. On that basis the editors, assisted by the editorial committee, shall decide whether to publish the work.
  3. Authors shall undertake not to commit any unjustified accreditation (consisting in the inclusion as authors of names of persons whose contribution to the drawing up of the text was minimal or inexistent). Authors shall likewise undertake to give credit to all those persons or institutions who have given support during any part of the process.



Ethical misdemeanors will be sanctioned in proportion to their seriousness. In the case of well-founded suspicion or accusation of plagiarism, a committee of ethics formed of peers will be set up to investigate imputations and recommend the sanctions to be imposed. In the case of confirmation of plagiarism, the article will be withdrawn from the journal and a notice will be inserted explaining the reasons for withdrawal.