Assaults on the Tropic: Petros Pharamond Blanchard, a French Romantic Painter in the Mexico of 1838
Portada Anales Número 112
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Traveling artists
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pictures of battles during the assault on the port of Veracruz in 1838.

How to Cite

Aguilar Ochoa, Arturo. 2018. “Assaults on the Tropic: Petros Pharamond Blanchard, a French Romantic Painter in the Mexico of 1838”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 1 (112):213-58.


The text seeks to rescue the biography and works created in Mexico by a painter forgotten to the historiography on the theme. Whether considered an expeditionary painter or a traveling artist, so far little is known about the Frenchman Petros Pharamond Blanchard. However, his work is remarkable for having executed an important series on local everyday life and customs, as well as pictures of battles during the assault on the port of Veracruz in 1838. He also wrote a celebrated book about this expedition, which contains engravings of the Mexican landscape
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