Answering the Call of Post-Dictatorship. Historicity, Performance and Politics of the Body between Emilio García Wehbi and the Periférico de Objetos
Portada Anales Número 112
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the body

How to Cite

Gelman Constantin, Francisco. 2018. “Answering the Call of Post-Dictatorship. Historicity, Performance and Politics of the Body Between Emilio García Wehbi and the Periférico De Objetos”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 1 (112):9-31.


In dialogue with the contemporary theoretical vindication of anachronism as an antidote for positivist historicism, this paper explores Emilio García Wehbi’s performance and theatrical pieces; their relationship with the production of his former group Periférico de Objetos, in order to study the implications of incorporating the scenic body into a complex and fractured conception of art’s temporality.

As “post-dictatorship” becomes established as a retroactive effect of the production of historicity through the split time of the work, de-synchronization appears as a political act challenging State biopolitics. The creation of a theory on the relationship between language and the body best suited for this scenic outcome allows us also to address some current notional struggles and to advocate a concept of montage as a way towards understanding how different times, bodies and subjects are articulated, notwithstanding their heterogeneousness.
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