Presence of the Homeric Hero in the François Vase
Portada Anales Número 110
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François Vase 
Greek pottery
Homeric hero
cultural identity theory
mythical literary analysis
iconographic and formal analysis
interpretative approach

How to Cite

Alhim Rodríguez, Marysol. 2017. “Presence of the Homeric Hero in the François Vase”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 1 (1):77-120.


Based on the cultural identity theory in art or art theory as a cultural system, the article presents a mythical-literary analysis of multiple and thematically related scenes depicted on the complex and controversial François Vase. In it, it is suggested that they should be studied as a “whole” and in relation to the form of the piece upon which they were painted, and not as isolated myths, the argument being that the vase in question has a preconceived iconographic and formal unity, whose paradigm or thread is the Homeric hero and the most significant themes related to him.
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