The Instrumental Verses of Ignacio Jerusalem y Stella: Vestiges of a Sonorous Discourse in Mexico City’s Cathedral
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instrumental verses
Mexico City Cathedral
New Spain

How to Cite

Rincón, Jazmín. 2014. “The Instrumental Verses of Ignacio Jerusalem Y Stella: Vestiges of a Sonorous Discourse in Mexico City’s Cathedral”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 36 (105):95-126.


Musical Archives belonging to Mexico City’s Cathedral contain a corpus of brief compositions known as the “instrumental and orchestral verses”. They belong to a period of time, which extends from 1750, when Ignacio Jerusalem y Stella introduced the genre to the cathedral’s musical repertoire, to approximately 1890. The present article, by means of a historical-contextual and discursive examination, considers the manner by which these instrumental and orchestral verses were alternated with verses taken from psalms and with “verses” improvised for Organ music, in accordance with a ritual structure in which religious discourse was the main axis. This approach is crucial not only for the comprehension of the “instrumental verses” in New Spain, as it also embraces the controversy which considers the apparent anachronism presented by viceregal music, as amassed in the Cathedral archives, when it encounters Academic periodization as understood in the “history of Western music”.
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