Imagen E Imaginarios Sociales. Los Indios Yaqui en la Revista Hoy en 1939
Portada Anales Número 94
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How to Cite

Dorotinsky, Deborah. 2012. “Imagen E Imaginarios Sociales. Los Indios Yaqui En La Revista Hoy En 1939”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 31 (94):pp. 93-126.


This article is an approach to Ismael Casasolas photographs which accompanied the article written by Gregorio Ortega on the visit by photographer and journalistic to the Mayo and Yaqui Indian region in 1939. The purpose of this paper is to show how the coupling of images and text in the pages of illustrated magazines was instrumental in building post-revolutionary social imaginaries, in this case a specifically indigenist one. This piece of photo-journalism as a case study sheds light on racial, social and cultural stereotypes and reveals the ways in which the Mayo and Yaqui Indians were regarded in 1939. The perspective of visual culture forms the basis for analyzing the pairing of text and images as a device for constructing meaning.
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