La forma abierta en la música del siglo XX
Portada Anales Número 92
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Nieto, Velia. 2012. “La Forma Abierta En La Música Del Siglo XX”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 30 (92):pp.191-203.


The breakdown of form in twentieth century music took place as one of the final expressions of a rupture of a tonal system that had prevailed through more than two hundred years. Gradually, new formal concepts emerged: aleatoric or chance music, stochastic composition, mobility, openness and grids. As such innovations took root, the musical forms that had been traditional for several centuriessuch as the sonata, the concerto or the suitestarted to disappear. Composers fostered this evolution with the help of the performer, who ceased to be a passive factor, assuming an active role in some aspects of the composition. The performers contribution to the opening up of form will reveal for us a different perspective on creativity. This article analyzes the essential duality in the music and the new concepts that are replacing the traditional forms.
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